Join Northern Spark for our Press Preview on
Wednesday, May 24th, 6pm at The Soap Factory
514 Second St SE, Minneapolis MN 55414
Learn more about the festival
Preview projects
Meet the artists
Enjoy a Fulton beer
On Tuesday, May 24th at 6pm, you’re invited to join us at The Soap Factory for a preview of the 2017 Northern Spark festival, Climate Chaos | People Rising. Schedule:
6 – 6:30pm: Arrive, drink some beer, and view a display of art projects
6:30 – 7:30pm: Listen to a presentation and ask questions
7:30 – 8pm: Mingle, drink more beer, and talk with staff and artists
Please RSVP and send questions to Amy Danielson, Press Relations Coordinator, at amy@northern.lights.mn or 612-245-2020.
Northern Spark Climate Chaos | People Rising June 10, 2017
Official start & end times: 8:59 pm until 5:26 am
Along the Green Line / Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN / Free* & Open to the Public
(*except ticketed Launch Party)
From sunset on June 10 to sunrise on June 11, Northern Spark 2017 is a free all-night art festival exploring the effects of climate change through participatory projects happening in neighborhoods along Metro Transit’s Green Line.
Experience the largest Northern Spark yet, with nearly 70 art projects organized around neighborhood nodes: Cedar Riverside/West Bank, Weisman Art Museum/East Bank, Little Africa/Snelling, Rondo/Lexington, and Little Mekong/ Western. In downtown Minneapolis the festival moves from its usual river location to The Commons, the new green space at Portland and 5th, and culminates in Saint Paul at Union Depot, the METRO Green Line terminus in Lowertown.
About Northern Spark
Northern Spark is a free, annual, dusk-to-dawn, multidisciplinary arts festival that takes place on the second Saturday of June and draws tens of thousands of Minnesotans each year. For the 2017 festival, the theme Climate Chaos | People Rising explores the interconnected, evolving, long-term consequences from climate change, giving local and national artists’ a platform to help turn a sense of overwhelmment into concrete actions anchored in a realistic and hopeful map for the future. For more information on the festival, visit northernspark.org.
For more information on the theme Climate Chaos | People Rising, visit http://2017.northernspark.org/festivaloverview.
Northern Spark by the numbers, 2011-2016:
537 artist projects in 120 venues
222,000 attendees
1502 local and national artists and performers
253 cultural organization partners
460844 website visits by 332,110 unique visitors
Northern Spark Artists
Northern Lights.mn is proud to announce the participation of the following artists in Northern Spark 2017: Monira Al Qadin, Ananya Dance Theatre, Aniccha Arts, Background Stories, Christine Baeumler, Nick Barsness, Julie Benda, Todd Boss, Willis Bowman, Rachel Breen, Susan Brown, Malia Burkhart, Valentine Cadieux, Shá Cage, Andrea Carlson, John Coburn, Jon Mac Cole, Craig David, Preston Drum, Randy Duerr, Deborah Elias, Field Practice, Kate Flick, Sara Fowler, GoodSpace Murals, Ruthann Godollei, Bill Gorcica, Grand Challengers, David Hamlow, Annie Henly, Alison Hiltner, Hmong Tattoo Crew, Hope Risers and Company, Karen Haselmann, Ross Hutchens, Nooshin Hakim Javadi, Rachel Jendrzejewski, John Keston, Wu Chen Khoo, Kenny Lee, Kimberly Long Loken, Meena Mangalvedhekar, Ifrah Mansour, Mary Jane Mansfield, Kathy McTavish, Beth Mercer-Taylor, Million Artist Movement, MINN_LAB, Rebecca Montgomery, Ben Moren, Mystery Spot Books, Roger Nieboer, Sheronda Orridge, Sami Pfeffer, Lisa Aston Philander, David Pisa, Rebekah Rentzel, Nickey Robare, Angela Robbins, Areca Roe, Mohamed Samatar, Sara Yezih Art Group, Aki Shibata, Tyler Stefanich, Tony the Scribe, Twin Cities Transition Artist Team, United Media Brigade, UW-Stout Transmedia Studio, Water Bar & Public Studio, Wavelets Collective, Tara Weatherly, Clarence White, Khamphian Vang, May Lee-Yang, Yes, Let’s!, Cameron Young, Marina Zurkow. Learn about their projects at http://2017.northernspark.org/art-and-events.
About Northern Lights.mn
Northern Spark is presented by Northern Lights.mn, a nonprofit arts organization whose vision is to transform our sense of what’s possible in public space.
Northern Spark is one night, but Northern Lights.mn shines throughout the year with projects that encourage public participation and artistic innovation, from the Giant-Sing-Along at the Minnesota State Fair to a permanent storytelling platform at Union Depot, to our annual year-long, intensive, mentor-based fellowship for emerging artists, Art(ists) on the Verge.
For more information visit northern.lights.mn.