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Graci Horne


Hapistinna Graci Horne, better known at Graci, was born and raised in Minnesota. Her bands are the Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota people and Hunkpapa Lakota/Dakota people. Horne holds a degree in Museum Studies from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM. She has expertise in exhibition design, planning, and curation, as well as educational programming. Horne has been curating since 2009, when she curated a children’s cultural art show at Augsburg College. She loves to combine both art and protecting Grandmother Earth. Horne’s passion projects encompass using art as a way to raise consciousness and engage viewers to preserve the earth. She has created environmental awareness and peace themed art activities for all ages. Horne is a mixed media artist and specializes in water color painting. Her water colors often emphasize the sacredness of water. She currently resides with her son and husband in Minneapolis.